This is the easiest pass in the Cathedral Peak area and is very convenient to access the escarpment in a short weekend hike. The climb along the ridge gives great views of both the Cathedral and Cathkin ridges and the Old Fire Lookout must be one of the best settings for a hut in the entire Drakensberg. This pass is great to use during your first trip to the escarpment due to its relative ease and easy navigation.

* * * (4/10)
Difficulty of the pass is rated from 1-10 (10 being very difficult, only to be attempted by the fit and experienced). A subjective quality rating is indicated by the number of stars (1 being low, 5 being the highest). Factors such as scenic beauty and overall experience come into play here, which may differ from person to person.

Organ Pipes Pass is most directly accessed from the top of Mike’s Pass. The Organ Pipes Ridge leaves the contour path 3.5 km to the left (south) of the Mike’s Pass path.

The distance from the contour path to Windy Gap at the top of Organ Pipes Pass is 7 km with an altitude gain of 900m.

The path stays at the crest of the ridge after leaving the contour path at The Nek. After a steep climb, the Old Fire Lookout is passed and the path continues straight up the ridge going up and down over the hills on the way. The path then contours on the right-hand (northern) side of the ridge before zigzagging up to the crest of the ridge again just below the escarpment cliffs. The path then contours below the escarpment cliffs for about 1 km before descending steeply into the final gully of Organ Pipes Pass. From here, follow the steep, eroded path for about 100m in altitude to Windy Gap at the top of the Pass at 3000m.

Finding the pass from the escarpment:
The biggest gully heading over the escarpment edge between Cleft Peak and Ndumeni Dome is Organ Pipes Pass. It is marked with a clear path and a large cairn.

Overnight Spots:
The Old Fire Lookout is perfectly situated near the base of the ridge as an overnight stop on the ascent although the water tank is usually empty in winter. The Ndumeni Caves are 2 small shelters found about 50m down Thuthumi Pass, 500m from Windy Gap. Roland’s Cave is a great cave right on the edge of the escarpment above Thuthumi Pass but a very narrow ledge has to be negotiated to reach it. There are many good camping spots on the escarpment itself.

The water tank at the Old Fire Lookout has got water in it for most of the year excluding winter (since the time of writing, this tank has collapsed). There are also a couple of streams crossing the path when contouring below the escarpment cliffs. Water can also be found in a river on the escarpment, 500m from Windy Gap.


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grae22's Avatar
grae22 replied to: #79148 16 Jul 2024 15:04
Probably one of the streams/runnels (dry unless it's raining) before you get on Thuthumi ridge proper, there's two if mem serves. Fairly tame stuff if you're experienced with Berg passes, but a little nerve wracking for new initiates

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I do vaguely recall us being a little cautious at one of those runnels during one of our first overnight Berg hikes.
Smurfatefrog's Avatar
Smurfatefrog replied to: #79147 16 Jul 2024 14:44
ok thanks, where about on the route?
James_Seymour's Avatar
James_Seymour replied to: #79146 16 Jul 2024 14:37
Not the Camel, the traditional Organs Pipe Pass route. I am not sure if it has recently been exposed. However, it is a tricky obstacle with a dangerous drop. 
Smurfatefrog's Avatar
Smurfatefrog replied to: #79145 16 Jul 2024 14:13

There is a dangerous rock slab on this route that needs to be traversed. If you lose your grip crossing this slab, or slip, you could be seriously injured. It is advisable to carry a rope on this hike to overcome this obstacle safely, as well as a few other tricky scrambles. Do not attempt to do this hike unless you have a leader who has done this route before. Ideally do it with a registered mountain guide.
Are you referring to Camel pass, or Organ Pipes itself that passes the Thuthumi hut (old fire lookout)?
I can vaguely think of a rockslab at a stream crossing on the latter, but don't recall it being particularly dangerous. Last did this route in February
James_Seymour's Avatar
James_Seymour replied to: #79144 16 Jul 2024 13:40
There is a dangerous rock slab on this route that needs to be traversed. If you lose your grip crossing this slab, or slip, you could be seriously injured. It is advisable to carry a rope on this hike to overcome this obstacle safely, as well as a few other tricky scrambles. Do not attempt to do this hike unless you have a leader who has done this route before. Ideally do it with a registered mountain guide.
JoMil's Avatar
JoMil replied to: #77975 28 Aug 2022 12:56
Thanks so much guys! We decided to do Cathedral Peak rather, was epic. Will take some more time to plan the Organ Pipes overnighter so we can make the most of it

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Walkfree's Avatar
Walkfree replied to: #77974 27 Aug 2022 12:22
Hi JoMil

I would say that if this is your first time in the area, a day hike up Organs and back to the Hotel will be very tough to say the least.
From what you have said in your post, I assume you only have one night. It is possible to ascend Organs via Ribben Falls/Camel in one day if you are fit and depart very early.
From there you can overnight at Rolands cave or camp on the escarpment. I have camped near the top of the pass in the valley behind Organs in the past without incident but this is not advisable as this pass is regularly used by smugglers. It is best to camp closer to cleft peak, there are various posts on the Organ Pipes thread with coordinates and advice thereof.
Perhaps on you descent you can go back via Thutami Ridge and Mikes Pass for a change of scenery.
Smurfatefrog's Avatar
Smurfatefrog replied to: #77973 26 Aug 2022 17:54
Hi Jo

Mike's Pass is closed to general vehicles, but there is no reason you can't hike up there. Its actually in good condition at the moment.
Look for the shortcut going up though instead of taking the big hairpin bend.

The quickest way to the top is from the hotel, via Ribbons falls and then up the Camel route (about 11/12km, with 1500m ascent), going the Thuthumi ridge route from a hotel start requires a fair amount of heading south on the contour path
Mikes Pass and the Thuthumi ridge route from Didima camp will be closer to 15/16km to the top.
You could also head up Tryme hill and then up the Camel route, probably about 13/14km. You could do a loop of these last two
JoMil's Avatar
JoMil replied to: #77972 26 Aug 2022 16:49
Hi everyone!

Interested in doing a hike up organ pipes pass this weekend. I've read the threads on the various options but was hoping a kind person might be able to answer the following:
1) Is Mike's Pass open/ hikable at the moment? (I called Didima amd they said it is currently under maintenance and closed, even to hikers).. we were actually hoping to get a sneaky lift up there
2) if Mike's pass is not an option, and we hike from Cathedral Peak hotel instead, is the quicker route to the top of the little berg via ribbon falls cave or via Mushroom Rock?
3) if we wanted to do a day hike only, is it fairly managable to get from the hotel, up organ pipes pass for a pic or 2/ lunch stop, and back down in a day? (For a relatively fit, but extra enthusiastic group

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). If so, what is the easiest/ quickest option- mushroom vs ribbon falls, camel route up and down vs camel one way/ thutumi ridge the other/ other options? And an approximate distance in kms for this route, from the hotel?

If anyone has a recommended route for a day hike, with the aim of getting up organ pipes pass, I'd really appreciate it. With a Google maps pic/ GPS file even better! We are still deciding if we might stay over on top for a night.. if we do decide to, will try for Roland's cave, but take tents with incase. Are the decent/ relatively "safe" spots to tent close to Roland's/ Ndumeni caves of these are occupied?

Thanks in advance!
Sanet1's Avatar
Sanet1 replied to: #73042 23 Mar 2018 15:26
Enough water to only carry a small amount on you, top up everywhere.
Riaang's Avatar
Riaang replied to: #73040 23 Mar 2018 11:04
Can confirm that the Berg is really very wet at the moment, there is literally water everywhere, little streams even coming down the paths on Organ Pipes pass and the Camel. I wouldn't load up below the Camel, but to be safe just take a small amount if you are unsure of water availability higher up. Also, temperatures are low resulting in less water loss through sweat etc. so you should be able to get further with less water
Smurfatefrog's Avatar
Smurfatefrog replied to: #73025 21 Mar 2018 19:02
The berg is very wet at the moment, my post before yours will be valid, plus possibly more small streams
petroengel's Avatar
petroengel replied to: #73024 21 Mar 2018 18:33
Hello everybody!
Does anyone know if there is water in the stream just above Old Fire Lookout? Or should we haul all our water from the last spot on the contour path coming from Ribbon Falls? I plan a scenic approach to OFL incorperating a pat of the contour path that I haven't done yet :silly:
HannesT's Avatar
HannesT replied to: #72434 01 Dec 2017 18:47
Thank you for the information and link. This helps a lot to plan when we have to be at Didima to start the first part of the hike. It will also be much easier to get up there without having to carry extra water.
firephish's Avatar
firephish replied to: #72432 01 Dec 2017 08:44
If i recall correctly Its about 7 km from Didima Office to old staff accommodation, more-or-less (depending if you use the shortcuts or not). & about the same again to the top of Organ Pipes.

That time of year there will be water in the stream below the old buildings. Also, you will be able to find water on the pass itself, checkout this thread:
HannesT's Avatar
HannesT replied to: #72430 30 Nov 2017 20:38
I am planning a hike to Roland's cave in December. I would like to go up Mike's pass and Organ Pipes pass since I have previously done the Camel pass route. We are planning to hike from Didima up Mike's pass in the afternoon and continue up Organ Pipes the next morning. I would please like to know the distances from Didima to the old staff accommodation on top of Mike's pass and then the distance from there to the top of Windy Gap. I would like to see how much time we would need on the afternoon.
From some of the posts that I have found about this route I get the impression that we will have to carry enough water on the afternoon to last us until some time the next morning. Or is there any water on top of Mike's pass?
Smurfatefrog's Avatar
Smurfatefrog replied to: #63594 03 May 2015 18:10
Current water situation on the pass:
Small trickle by the old staff buildings, about 50m from the road
Ndumeni river obviously has plenty water around the contour path
The spring at 2500m has water
The Ndumeni river at about 2700m has water, as well as another stream just after this.
supertramp's Avatar
supertramp replied to: #62724 27 Jan 2015 18:17
Hi guys

Just an update to say that our hike turned out perfectly and that Roland's Cave was absolutely fantastic!!!! Navigating that ledge was one of the most exciting things I've ever done :woohoo:

The Organ Pipes - Camel loop is a definite must do :thumbsup:
supertramp's Avatar
supertramp replied to: #62595 13 Jan 2015 22:49
Thanks for the great information Guardian, it is highly appreciated!!! :thumbsup:

Will definitely look for that exact spot, we were obscured in mist when we descended Organs the last time around so couldn't get a proper "layout of the land". Will explore a bit on Google Earth.

Hahaha, thanks for the heads-up on the flat areas, wouldn't want to fall into that trap :)

I do agree with you about the Basotho's, have not experienced any issues with them in the past but do always try and set up camp away from busy paths. Those footsteps always scare the cr#p out of me when they pass at night :lol:
Guardian's Avatar
Guardian replied to: #62593 13 Jan 2015 18:08
When you get to the top of the pass turn right (Away from rolands cave, Northish) and go around Castle buttress and camp next to the escarpment and the base of cleft peak. One of my favourite areas to see the sunrise over the clouds... There is a stream.
Castle buttress is the little bump between organ pipes and cleft peak. Dont walk round cleft peak :D
Also don't pitch your tent on the attractive looking flat pebbly areas, they turn into dams when it rains, something I will not do again.

I think basotho's are much less of an issue than the other things the berg can throw at you :)
supertramp's Avatar
supertramp replied to: #62568 11 Jan 2015 01:08
We are planning another trip Up Organ Pipes and down the Camel over the weekend of the 24th of Jan 2015.

We intend on spending a night at Roland's Cave but I am a bit concerned that if the weather is inclement and we can't navigate the ledge towards the cave that we'll need to pitch tents at the top of Organs as a back-up option.

I understand that security can be a bit of an issue at this point and was hoping that someone could give me advice on a "relatively" safe spot to pitch tents which would be out of sight. Any assistance will be highly appreciated
supertramp's Avatar
supertramp replied to: #62567 11 Jan 2015 00:59
Hi guys

First of all I have to say thanks for the fantastic website. It has assisted me a great deal in planning many of my Berg trips over the last year and a half. This is my first official post which is long overdue :) I thought I would share this epic pic I took of my friend when we were at the Old Fire Lookout in November 2014.

firephish's Avatar
firephish replied to: #61300 15 Jul 2014 16:54
great, thanks tony :)
tonymarshall's Avatar
tonymarshall replied to: #61299 15 Jul 2014 15:59
I have found 2 to be pretty reliable and only after prolonged dry periods are you unlikely to find enough water there to collect with a cup or bottle. I haven't ever used other points for water on Organ Pipes Pass, and don't specifically know your 1, but in the rainy season or after snow most of the gullies your photomap shows would have water somewhere close to the ridge, this is also mentioned in my earlier post, it's just a case of how far off the route you need to go to find it, as you discovered.

Yes, 2 is on the left side of the ridge looking up, and drains into the Thuthumi valley, whilst the (direct) path is on the right of the ridge, exactly as shown on your photomap. There is a bypass path that briefly crosses over to the left of the ridge and goes past the spring, before climbing steeply up and over the ridge to join the other path, but it is conventional to look for the spring (assuming you know to look for it) as you approach on the direct path, leave packs etc on the ridge and head down the 10 m or so to the spring only carrying your water containers to fill up.
firephish's Avatar
firephish replied to: #61293 15 Jul 2014 12:51

tonymarshall wrote: The spring is at S 29 00.488 E 29 12.581, 2551m, my gps co ordinates, and would be quite easy to miss by walking right past if you didn't know about it, as it's not visible from the path, being set slightly down on the opposite side of the ridge as the path. The photo is taken from the ridge above the path looking down at the hikers (ghaznavid is the guy wearing black) filling up their water with the path just behind me.

Hi, after struggling to find water on organ pipes it would be great if people in the know could clarify a few points. Wish i'd seen this post before the hike :)

The GPS track in the downloads section for organ pipes gives a location for water as -29.005775414407253" 29.216209715232253 (marked 1 below, drains down to the right side of the ridge), i see Tony indicates water can be found at S 29 00.488 E 29 12.581 (marked 2 below, seems to drain down to the left of the ridge?).

We found a trickle of water at 1, but had to descend quite far 150m? down the gully to get a usable amount ... almost killed me after Thuthumi Ridge :thumbsdown:
And walked right past 2 without being aware of it :whistle:

So what is the consensus as to:

1. which of these points is most reliable?
2. can you confirm 2 is on the left side of the ridge (looking up towards organ pipes)

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