GPS track for Redi Pass, Lotheni, Central Drakensberg.
Didn't find any path going up Redi Pass from the contour path. This is the route we took and it seemed pretty straightforward. One rock significant rock scramble involved.
A GPS track for Kgotjwane Pass, commonly known as Dagga Neck Pass, in the Free State High Berg.
GPS data for Ship's Prow Pass - South Fork - Mon's Cowl region, Central Berg. Include's track, summit waypoint and waypoints for two good camping spots.
GPS Track from Mashai Shelter to Pillar Cave Annex.
Sani Pass GPS track with the trail bypass to shortcut the middle section.
GPS data for Mkhomazi Pass, Vergelegen, Southern Drakensberg. The track starts from Bird's Nest Cave, and does not confirm or deny the existence of paths, nor is it necessarily a reflection of what the maps indicates - use at your own risk. The pass may also be approached directly up the Mkhomazi Valley, instead of via the cave.
GPS data for Christmas Pass. The pass is the obvious grassy col directly below Easter Cave . It is not technically difficult but the route does involve some steep grassy slopes that need to be slowly negotiated, with lots of ankle-twisting moments.You could use the main gully, although it It does have one major obstacle which could be circumnavigated
It is bundu-bashy along the river at the bottom. There are boulders, thick bush, hidden trenches and a significant waterfall which has to be negotiated.
To access the pass, the diversion from the Ntonjelana Pass route is after Waterfall Cave, where the trail crosses the last major river before ascending directly up the ridge. There are trails in these lower regions that will help you initially, which of course vanish in due course, leaving you in easy grassy terrain which will become more rugged as you move up the valley.
Associated camping options include Easter Cave, Waterfall Cave, and the campsite right by the smuggling route which diverges from the Ntonjelana Pass trail at the river mentioned earlier.
GPS data for Jarateng Pass Central, Giant's Castle, Central Drakensberg. There are three distinct Jarateng Passes, not just one as the maps suggest. This is the central variation, with it's summit directly South of Mount Durnford. The data includes tracks, waypoint for where the route leaves the contour path, a suitable camping spot, a deep but very low roofed cave which might interest some, and the summit waypoint. There is no trail and the route is mostly on grass.