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Category: Drakensberg Caves
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Created: Date Wednesday, 09 May 2012 02:13
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A recent visit to Dinosaur Cave prompted me to do a bit of research to see if I could try and identify what it was that made the main series of large footprints - this is a summary of my findings which might be of interest to members. 

Created: Date Monday, 11 August 2008 00:00
Download 324

Depiction of the caves around Ifidi Pass, such as the true & false Ifidi Cave and Veranda Cave, on Google Earth. Also features Ifidi Peak and Thaba Endanyazana. Related to The Caves of Ifidi article.

Created: Date Wednesday, 04 October 2017 21:06
Download 146
This GPS track leads from the Grand Traverse path to Ifidi cave, going past Ifidi Annexe. As far as I could see you can not reach Ifidi by taking the shortest route to it from the Traverse path. I had to turn off much earlier and approached it along a path that appeared and disappeared. The photo is what I believe to be Ifidi Annexe.
Created: Date Saturday, 30 December 2023 21:10
Download 86