As you all probably know by now, I work for Ezemvelo. I have recently been roped in to help update the website which is hopelessly out of date and horrible to navigate, even by most people's standards. Although there is a wealth of information there, not many people who visit the site have too much joy, given that recent stats indicate an average stay of only 5 minutes!
Some of the new changes that we will be implementing very soon, is online booking (incl caves to a certain extent) so keep your eyes peeled on this new development on the site.
However, some of the longer term changes include a complete overhaul, with a new look and feel (if I can help it). What I would like to know from this community is what kind of information would be best suited to the new site, and what kind of information would you like to see there. If I can get feedback from here, I am sure I can make a way to get the info displayed there, or make relevant changes to the new site to accomplish the desired changes.
The new site is looking at a timeline of 3 months from this date before it goes live (due to the sheer volume of information to reshuffle and organise - currently over 1000 pages), but we are hoping for a site that will suit end users needs. To this end, any input the end user can give us will be beneficial. Please PM me any suggestions and recommendations so that I can get those prioritised for the webmaster, or myself, to introduce to the new site.
Looking forward to lots of input!
Update: 20 October 2014
Some changes were implemented since the previous request, but with a new webmaster, some changes fell through the cracks. However, as things would be, the webmaster has now left, and yours truly is temporarily in charge of the website again. I am hereby requesting input again from communities who would use the website, to make recommendations as to what kind of information would be useful, so that this can be included. The site is very overdue for an overhaul, but it will fall to the new incumbent to do so, as I am only the temporary caretaker.
There is some hope that they would put a web strategist into the post who would try and get the site streamlined etc, but any suggestions are welcome at this stage.
Let's hear it.